Friday 23 December 2011

Top 3 Astran Liveried Trucks – M509 WCK

M509 WCK

Next in my top 3 Astran trucks of all time is this beast of a Scania 143 Streamline, driven by Trevor Dodwell I do believe. As I said in Part 1, the top 3 is in no particular order, it would be to hard to choose between them!! I think for me, Astran trucks are Scania’s. I know Mercedes and Volvo were both regular Middle Easters for Astran, but if you look at the fleet list out of a total of 58 trucks, 40 were Scania. Even though this is an Owner driver truck, to me it’s still one of the top 3 all time great Astran trucks.

M509 WCK

M509 WCK

Bull bar, extra spots, roof rack, headboard, un-polished ally wheels, big tanks, ruffed up rear mudguards, Arabic script and, and, wait for it….its got that look!! in huge doses for that matter. I can just see this old girl hurteling along the dusty desert road, lights a blaze, camels parting like the red sea, as the growl of the big V8  heads ever Eastwards. I think also this is obviously the new version of the old 140's and 141's, so if Astran had kept their own fleet in the 90's there would have been a fleet of these, just imagine! 

I actually emailed Trevor Dodwell about this truck, and he sent me a photo he has above his desk, this is below. I think this truck was for sale in Ireland since Trevor had it, although there was a little confusion over it, but any way if it was this truck I was oh so close to snapping it up and in all honesty I wish I had. The wife has promised to but me a new truck one day, when she does, the 143 Streamline will be it and it will take a lot of convincing not to paint it up as this truck. Here is Trevors photo;

Trevor Dodwell

So there it is, this is my number 2 truck in the all time top 3 Astran trucks. A second Scania, your right, but then again when you think of Astran what truck do you think of? Email me, or leave a comment. There is one more truck to come in this little mini series, what will it be? whats your choice? If you follow the blog on twitter (@truckbloguk) then you may already know my 3rd and final choice. Also while I remember the top 3 photos are courtesy of Mr Nick Garlick.

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