Sunday 18 December 2011

New SportsMAN for German Football Team


This little MAN TGL LX tractor and trailer have just gone into service, selling footballing merchandise at home and away games for German football champions Borussia Dortmund. The MAN press release states; “The semitrailer tractor has been specially adapted by the Munich Dax-30 Group to the club’s requirements and designed in the club’s colors. Borussia Dortmund’s Bundesliga team has been traveling to its games in an exclusive MAN coach for around ten years. “

The press releasegoes on to say; Andreas Lampersbach, Head of MAN SE’s Corporate Communications, added: “Our partnership with Borussia Dortmund is going very well for us. Following the new Team Coach and the Champion Mobile, the Fan Shop on wheels is the third customized vehicle that our engineers have put on the road for BVB.”

Can anyone shed any light on the “Munich Dax-30 Group”?? I have heard of them before, they obviously do plenty of truck and vehicle conversions, but when I type it into Google, it just comes back with everything related to the German Stock Exchange! Any ideas, then email me;

View the original article here

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