Friday 14 October 2011

Home Made Fiat Euro-Wheeler

Once again my good friend Neil Jarrold sent me a little gem from his ever amazing collection of self taken photo’s. Often I am busy working away at my desk, when I get an email from the man behind usually titled “a bit of you”. This time round I think Neil was spot on, this little FIAT is probably a bit of me! An early mini international light weight wagon and drag.

Firstly Neil thinks this was taken in Boulogne, France. Other than that there really isn’t any more info to go with it. This is where you come in, do you know who’s it is? Where it was going? I can’t decide whether the caravans are an export or an import. The doors are on the offside, so does that mean they are UK built for the European markets, or are they European made for the UK?? Which ever, was there ever a return load or and outward load?

As for the vehicle itself, agin there are lots of questions and probably not many answers, unless you can help? leave a comment below or email me, . If you look carefully at this side of the cab, you can see the left overs of the side panel of the van, when it was indeed a panel van. Looking through the windscreen, the other side of the cab has an additional window between the door window and the back of the cab, likely to aid with vision while driving on the wrong side of the road. Flashing light on the roof. Again on this side of the cab behind the door handle, there looks to be the van model badge and what likes like or could be the owners details / sticker. All in all this is once again a real little gem and is typical on Neil’s photography.

Do your self a favour and set aside a wet Autumn afternoon and enjoy sifting through the thousands and thousands of photo’s on you will be amazed!! From the late 1970's to present day there is something for all trucking persuasions. Personally I love the London Market night time photo’s, all sorts of Paddy Scania 141's and Scottish Volvo’s and also the late 1980's Dover photos. I also like the very rare rigid photo’s you can find. Neil has confessed to me that he isn’t bothered by little lorries so the odd photo he has taken must be of some thing special/interesting. Like this little Mercedes Benz 1117 from Malmo.

View the original article here

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