Friday 21 October 2011

ATA's Costello Sees Mixed Economic Picture for Trucking

The economic outlook for trucking is “muddled at best, with the industry facing softening demand and rising costs,” American Trucking Associations’ Chief Economist Bob Costello said at the group’s annual conference in Texas this week.

“Freight demand is moving sideways, rather than falling off a cliff like it did in 2008,” Costello said at an economic panel at ATA’s Management Conference & Exhibition in Grapevine, Texas. “That indicates to me that we might just skirt by another recession.”

In general, Costello said large fleets were seeing stronger volumes than smaller ones, likely because of their relationships to larger shippers, but added that capacity should continue to remain tight.

“No one is doing great, but it feels like larger companies and shippers are outperforming small businesses right now,” he said.

In addition, Costello called cost pressures on fleets “significant,” with the inflation rate for items like fuel, equipment and driver wages exceeding the inflation rate for the broader economy.

View the original article here

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