Friday 23 September 2011

SCOOP!! New Russia Built KAMAZ

New Kamaz

This one is straight from Daimler Groups Press release’s, but I thought you’d all want to see it. This brief summary is taken directly from the press release and is not the words of truckblog;

“At the COMTRANS commercial vehicle show in Moscow, Daimler Trucks and the Russian truck manufacturer Kamaz presented another milestone of their partnership: the public unveiling of their first jointly developed truck. The new Kamaz truck is equipped with Daimler Trucks components which Kamaz has modified for the Russian market.
In order to produce the new Kamaz truck, the two partners will work together even more closely in the future. In addition to the axle joint venture concluded in December 2010, Daimler Trucks and Kamaz will closely collaborate on truck cabs in the future. The two companies therefore singed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cab production today. Mercedes-Benz will begin delivering cabs to Kamaz in the second half of 2012. Later on, the cabs will be assembled at the Kamaz production plant in Chelny in the Russian republic of Tatarstan and will subsequently be industrially manufactured at the plant. The new Kamaz truck series featuring components from Daimler Trucks which will go into effect in Russia in 2014, meets the Euro V emissions limit. Andreas Renschler, Daimler Board of Management Member responsible for Daimler Trucks and Daimler Buses, said, “We’re delighted to further expand our cooperation with Kamaz. Russia remains the largest truck market in Europe, with a market volume of 79,000 units over six tons GVW last year and almost 190,000 units forecast for 2020. Together with our partner, we are on the right track to offer state-of-the-art trucks for the Russian market.”

View the original article here

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