Sunday 18 September 2011

Harwich Port is Very Activ!!

During my rubbish truck spotting trip to Harwich, there were 2 highlights. The Harwich 21/08/2011- A” target=”_blank”>P.Bjarne Andersen Scania that was good enough to make picture of the day!.jpg” target=”_blank”>Picture of the Day on about:picture of the day!.jpg” target=”_blank”>Picture of the Day on

Harwich 21/08/2011

It turns out that Activ Cars may use Stenaline in and out of Harwich a lot more than I realised before. Just a couple of weeks later, one of our drivers (HC Wilson Drivers) was sitting in the rain in Harwich, when what should appear out of depths off the Hoek boat…… yes of course it was, another Activ Cars mini Atego Artic.

Activ Cars Spotted @ Harwich

I do wish that Activ Cars were a bit more up to date. Now I don’t mean this in a bad way but, they must be one of the only transport companies who don’t yet have a website and also they very rarely reply to their emails!! Come on Activ Cars get emailing and get a website!! If you see Activ Cars in the UK or in Europe please get a photo and send it over to me, and if you can get talking to one of their drivers and get them to contact me, there will be an 18 inch Transam Trucking 2” target=”_blank”>truckblog sticker in it for you. By the way they are now available in white or navy blue.

View the original article here

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