Why not? If TX Governor Perry has his way “our” government would control everything – including who can marry. A government by the Bible, for the Bible, and of the Bible. Bush took all the airport security screeners and created another bureaucracy. Congress passed national health care defined by the government, when States can’t even manage their unemployment programs.
But, “our” government knows best. They’ve done such an amazing job with the economy. 10 years later and the World Trade Center remains incomplete. Bin Laden is dead, but he still haunts us. We’re fighting in how many conflicts? Oh wait, that’s not us over there, it’s the CIA, I mean NATO. Old ladies and children are groped before getting on planes. It’s all about security stupid. That’s what they tell us.
That’s what the FMCSA is all about – safety. Not common sense, or efficiency or business or even jobs, but safety. They – “our” government” knows best. The ATA and their puppets, the DOT and its mini-me arm, the FMCSA – the Federal Motor Carrier SAFETY Administration, tell us what to do, when to do it and how to do every aspect of trucking. The same goes for the airlines, railroads, auto manufacturing and highways. All our lives are so much better, I mean safer, right?
Nobody in trucking and the few who care outside the industry, are happy with the way new truck drives are trained. Community colleges – the vocational schools – do a pretty good job, but the rest, fall well short of preparing an individual for the job of driving. Years ago, I went through such a program – 8 weeks – paid $450 – and nothing I was taught prepared me for life on the road. It could have, but it didn’t.
The business of driver training is like air conditioning or auto repair. Shyster’s abound. A lot of it is a rip off. Carriers tying themselves in with the schools has made little or no difference in the quality of the end product. New drivers “graduate” with the CDL, having no idea how to fuel a truck, pull through a weigh station or live on the road for more than a night or two. Follow-up “education” with a trainer, does little to improve the “package”.
So, Federalize the whole thing. Invest in, let’s say, four or five “regional” CDL truck driver centers, run by the FMCSA and get private business out of the equation. While we’re at it, let’s also Federalize the CDL. Centralize all the license records and every drivers personal information. It could be the first step toward a national identity card. That’s what TWIC was all about, right? That was a waste of time, but it taught “our” government something – when it comes to trucking, “they” can “order” drivers to do anything they want. No one will object.
What about OOIDA? Who? Tick on an elephant. That’s what OOIDA is when it comes to trucking. The FMCSA takes it’s orders from the ATA, not OOIDA. I believe the ATA, short of doing it themselves, would love “our” government to take over driver training. The “centers” could be run like prison boot camps. You, of course, couldn’t go if you were not legally. You would have to fill out lots of forms and go through a “pre” DOT physical before being accepted. Like joining the Marines or Army, you would have to take an ASFAB type of test. Some intelligence and knowledge of English would be required.
Once approved, you’re on a bus to the nearest regional training center. The “experts” at the FMCSA would design and administer everything, paid for with our taxes. You and another “newbie” would be assigned a sleeper truck. No going home at night, motels or dorms. Better to start with what it’s like to be a “real” truck driver from day one. It would last for about 8-10 weeks. During the training, if you can’t take it, you can go to the main part of the “campus” ring the bell, then go home and work for CSX or Applebee’s.
Nobody will be truly happy until driver training is Federalized. Private business will never come around with what the government wants or needs in terms of who they want behind the wheel. We all want driver with no health “issues”, BMI within government standards, complete acceptance of the 14/11 hour HOS and an understanding that they are classified as non-skilled labor and subject to all the applicable rules, like no overtime.
Thanks to “our” government, we all might just finally end up with the perfect truck driver.
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