Just a quick blog. I found these pics when I was on a marathon scanning mission the other week. These pics stood out from the rest as I remember the job well. Back in the day I had a very good relationship with the transport office down at DFDS Purfleet (now DSV), as they were all the original staff from Coggeshall before they moved to Purfleet. So there I was, washing down at home on the Saturday morning of an Easter weekend, thinking ooo a lovely long weekend for a change as I didn’t have any work for the Bank Holiday Easter Monday, nice. Any way late Saturday afternoon I got the phone call; “Are you working Monday? We have a groupage trailer coming in at 00:30 hours on Monday morning, but it has some cable drums on which need to be South Wales by 06:00 Monday morning to avoid a factory shut down, Can you help??” Well as an all you Owner Drivers know you have to take the work when it comes. This unfortunatly meant I had to leave the Sunday evening Easter Party at a mates house early to grab a few hours kip. When I left Braintree, Essex for Purfleet I remember passing a few party goers on their way home. Any way I was in Purfleet for Midnight, the Turkish Groupage trailer turned up at 00:15 and I was loaded and away by 00:30, perfect! Needless to say the little MAN steamed off down the M4 andwe easily made our 06:00 deadline. Good Old Days!!
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