The world seems shocked and that disturbs me! Casey Marie Anthony has been found not guilty of 1st degree murder, Aggravated child abuse, Aggravated manslaughter of a child. Guilty of all four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. The four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer, those four counts carry a max sentence of four years of which she has served three already. She could get off with time served depending on how the sentencing hearing goes Thursday this week. I feel that the system of justice that we have in this country has worked very well in this case. Before anybody hangs me for my thoughts here let me tell you why I feel like that.
I have watched this trial from the beginning and as it started I went back to the news when this awful event happened and became very public. There was a court of public opinion judging this woman from the very beginning. The United States Bill of Rights provides these fundamental foundations, although “Innocent until proven guilty is not expressly written there it has been adopted into our legal system even before we became a country. See Innocent until proven guilty and Sir William Garrow who coined the phrase back in the 1700’s. This “Presumption of innocence” has been the foundation for courts of law long before The United States of America was a county, and it is my profound opinion that certain people in the Television media need to refreshed of this foundation of truth.
The firestorm of hate and venom that has been flying around this country over this case has not resulted in a guilty verdict. I am shocked that Casey Anthony got an impartial jury, a jury that had not been poisoned by the court of public opinion. As a truck driver who has no television in his truck, I rely on satellite radio to be informed on what is going on in the country and around the world. So I must weed through the new media’s rhetoric to somehow find what I believe is the truth. The hype over this trial has been unbelievable! I must start with Headline News and Nancy Grace, That woman had had Casey Marie Anthony convicted from the very beginning. Nancy grace is nothing but a sensationalistic clown performing in a publicly viewed circus. She is supposed to be a retired persecutor of some sorts but all I see is a clown with walk on music! Nancy Grace needs to go read the United States Constitution and the bill of right again. Due Process would be a great place to start. After Nancy Grace gets done with her reading project she needs to hand it down to the Orange County Florida Sheriffs Office, when they get done with it they need to hand it to the Orange County Florida States Attorneys Office.
I watched and listened to this case as if I were a juror from the beginning. I heard the entire case along with things that the jury didn’t hear. I had to throw out ALL of the things that the jury didn’t hear. If they didn’t hear it, it wasn’t good evidence. It doesn’t matter what the “Court Of Public Opinion” thinks, if that were the case there would be hundreds of thousands waiting on death row in each state. I saw holes in the prosecution’s case from the very beginning; I saw a family that lies to each other on a habitual basis. Where do you think Casey Anthony learned to lie like that? Someone in that house very well be guilty of either murdering that child or at the very least be guilty of manslaughter due to neglect; we will never know the truth because everybody lied.
There is a sad underlying story here that gets very little attention in the media and that is the condition of this family of five, now four with the death of Caylee Marie Anthony. I see a family where moral values played little in the day-to-day operations of this group of individuals. Lets me just touch on a couple here, Besides the obvious religious background of “No sex before marriage there are some very good principles in this moral value that can be taught to children so that their lives will not become a awful mess like Casey Anthony’s has. Another is truthfulness, if you have a family that lies to each other like I think this one has, you can not find the truth no matter how hard you look. There are secrets that will never come out that would have explained this case. This case is a prime example of how the denigration of the moral fabric of this country can and did result in a family being torn apart. Their lives will never be the same after this event and that is the sad reality here. The saddest part in the whole thing is that a beautiful young toddler paid for this lack of moral values with her life.
Where do they go from here? I have great doubts that this family will ever be a cohesive unit again. We can only hope that they can get on with their lives and try to become better persons as a result of this trial. Casey Marie Anthony just got a second chance at life, I can only hope that she makes something of it and becomes a better person for having gone through it. She has been judged by a jury of her peers and found not guilty. Beyond that you can not judge her again so stop with the “Court of Public Opinion”. Put yourself in her shoes for a moment, would you like it if you were judged like that? Its not your place, someday it could be you standing there and I’m sure you would want the very same rights that she was given in this trial. Who really did it? Was it an accident? I don’t know. God will be the final judge on this one.
Go hug your kids.
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